Book cover ideas to make your book stand out
You’re in a bookshop, at an airport or in a newsagent’s and you’re looking for something to read. You’re not familiar with the latest bestsellers so how do you decide, from the rows and rows of books in front of you, which you are likely to enjoy?
It doesn’t matter what your interests are, and we know you should never judge a book by its cover, but the chances are that first decision is made on one basis only – the look, and unique book covers are far more likely to grab your attention. It could be attractive artwork, the intriguing image or even the title that makes you pick it up and look at the back to read the synopsis.
Of course, if you see a book by an author you are familiar with, you’ll be more inclined to take interest, but more often than not our initial attraction to a book is based on its appearance. That’s a valuable lesson for anyone who is considering publishing their very own book, whether it’s a first novel or an up-market catalogue, a yearbook, or a coffee table special. Creating the right look for your book is a marketing must, it will enhance its appeal and help draw people in. So how can you achieve that?
Book cover finishes that stand out
It’s not just magpies that are attracted to shiny objects - foil finishes really add quality to a product and project an image of luxury. If you’re producing a high-quality book for a special occasion, gift or event such as a wedding photo album or wedding guest book – then this is a great option. It can also add a touch of class to a hardback novel and give it a sleek, classic look.
Traditionally a costly book cover option, WTTB offers foil book cover printing at a far lower cost because we use Scodix foiling; a digital alternative to the more traditional hot foiling technique, which is less expensive but gives the same attractive results. We have both gold and silver options as standard, or we even have the option of bespoke book printing for maximum impact. Adding foiling as a finish to any book just shouts quality so if that’s your aim then this is the option for you.
Should I choose a matte or gloss book cover finish?
If this is your first foray into book publishing, then we realise it’s a possible minefield of decision making. Do you want a matte cover of a gloss one? Do you even know the difference? If you don’t then worry not, you’re in the right place! When you pick up a paperback, the chances are that it will have a gloss cover. That’s because if offers a crisp and clean finish and is sometimes considered more durable as liquids won’t penetrate the fibre of the cover. Gloss covers are easier to wipe clean as well, if your book happens to be covered in fingerprints. That sharp, shiny finish has a great deal of appeal and can really make your cover picture pop.
If you’re publishing a children’s book then this would be the obvious choice, particularly if it’s for youngsters who will be attracted to the bright colours and a shiny finish. Plus, the ability to wipe clean with a damp cloth means the book will be protected from small sticky hands!
If you’re considering publishing a hardback book, then matte is a good choice. It delivers a feeling of class and – although the colours may appear slightly more muted - certainly delivers on style. At the end of the day however it’s down to personal choice – so do your research and choose what you like best and what you feel will suit your publication.
Spot gloss for extra impact
At the start we mentioned the importance of your cover for drawing in the reader. To boost your chances even further, it’s worth considering adding spot gloss to your final product. This unique high gloss shine means that you can draw attention to one particular area, making it stand out from the rest of the page. It’s particularly affective if your book cover is matte and you pick out one area to enhance with spot gloss which adds texture and depth to your cover. If making your book stand out for the rest is high on your list of priorities, then this is definitely a finish to consider.
Let us finish what you’ve started
We have a whole host of additional finishing options that are absolutely perfect for your publication. We recognise that one size doesn’t fit all, which is why we have various options available, suitable for all styles of publishing. You may even want to consider the addition of coloured sheets into the process. This would be particularly effective for hardback catalogue or brochure where you may want to have an introductory page that stands out from the rest.
You may feel that you’ve done the hard work once the writing is completed but in reality, that’s only the end of phase one. You now need to think about the size, shape, paper type, colour, and cover of your book to optimise potential sales.
Take a look at what other people have done and see what you like and don’t like, that should help you formulate a firm plan for your publication. Or if all else fails, our trusty WTTB team can help you every step of the way.
Posted on March 1, 2022 by WTTB
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