Go Green with Scodix Foil: The Best Way to Enhance your Print Materials
It’s not altogether surprising that anyone looking to give their print the edge has taken a real shine to Scodix. If you’ve never heard that name, the first thing you’ll be asking is what is Scodix and – more importantly – how can it benefit me?
What is Scodixing?
Scodix is a state-of-the-art system which adds embellishments and foil to printing in a very different way from the more traditional hot foil stamping, giving a finish which is truly memorable and resulting in a high-quality product.
In time for the Environment
With World Environment Day just around the corner on 5 June, there are even more reasons than ever before to use Scodix after an independent report gave the technology a green bill of health. The report compared Scodix and other embellishment solutions over several criteria – the CO2 generated, fossil fuel usage and water consumption. Scodix came out top, thanks to its production methods which were seen as “significantly less harmful than traditional processes.” For companies wanting an impactful result but mindful of their need to be as environmentally friendly as possible, Scodix ticks all the boxes when you’re considering eco-printing methods.
We see every day the amazing results that using this foil printing method can achieve, immediately elevating a product and making it look high-end. Scodix business cards are a really great way to stand out from the crowd, and because no metal dyes are used in their production, they are incredibly cost-effective. There’s an old saying that you have only ten seconds to make a first impression – time enough to hand over one of your luxury business cards which say a lot about you.
The Flair of Scodixing
The gold or silver finish implies style, elegance and professionalism far quicker than a conversation can and can actively be a marketing tool to show to a would-be client that you really do mean business. The versatility of Scodix means that it can that wow factor to a whole host of varied products. For anyone publishing a book, an annual report, or even handing out a presentation folder about their company or services, gold foil printing – and silver, too, for that matter – produces an eye-catching result.
Print finishing, which involves an element of foiling, immediately creates a feeling that this is a premium brand, that it is luxurious and sophisticated. It’s a small price to pay for elevating the status of your business or, for that matter, even an event you are trying to promote. Our foil printing machine allows us to add this element to a whole host of products, including posters and flyers. Scodix also comes into its own when it comes to invitations or promotional materials when only the best will do. It’s a must for anyone wanting to position their brand as high-end – or want to flag up a special occasion.
Gold means Luxury
The reason why we value items coloured in precious metals like gold and silver goes way back in time. Since virtually the beginning of time, man has been fascinated by gold, originally because it was tied in with the sun, which in turn was seen as essential for life and for things to grow.
Gold has always been seen as valuable, used to adorn everything from royal crowns to hilts of swords, as well as being part of a few rituals and festivals across the globe. The fact that it is a rare material has also added to its mystique, with gold the metal and gold the colour becoming inextricably linked.
Through numerous cultures and countries, gold has always played a part, and research has also shown that psychologically, gold is considered the colour of motivation – perhaps why some of the world’s most prestigious awards, from Olympic medals to the Oscars – are made in that colour.
Silver is a Staple
That’s not to rule out silver, of course. The addition of Scodix silver foil to a print product gives a cool effect and is perfect for anyone wanting a finished result that looks clean and business-like. One of the positives of using silver foiling is that it goes with almost any other colour, so whatever your corporate branding or identity is, a touch of silver is not going to compromise it in any way.
There are so many reasons to recommend Scodix and Scodix Foils, from the perfect finished result to knowing that you are lessening your impact on the environment – now that’s definitely something to reflect on!
Posted on May 17, 2023 by WTTB
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