How writing a book can help your business
When you go to a meeting to engage with someone for the very first time, what do you usually hand over? Chances are it’s a business card, a lasting reminder of your details and how to contact you, in the hope that this will be well used in the future. What if, along with that business card, you could share with that person an actual book that you’ve written, one that charts your story along with tips and tricks for being a success? You’d certainly be following in some illustrious footsteps.
The most famous self help book ever written was by Dale Carnegie in 1936. To date, How To Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 30 million copies – highlighting that if you want to share your business wisdom it can certainly be very lucrative.
So, how can writing a book about your business actually help your business?
Book tips for small business owners
If you are the owner of a small business, writing about your business could be of great advantage to you. Write about your own experiences of starting a business, the ups, the downs and how you were inspired to work for yourself. Other small business owners, or budding entrepreneurs, would likely find this very useful, and could inform them not only of your story, but your business too. Writing a book -regardless of it being a self-help guide or even your own rags to riches story – is not about vanity, it can make sound business sense.
Even if it doesn’t become an international best seller, because it can be easily and cost effectively produced through WTTB, you should also view it as a very valuable marketing tool. One of the plus points of a small business is that there is usually a strong story behind it. It could be a family operation that’s been handed down through the generations, the tale of someone who has found success against the odds or even just identified a gap in the market. These inspirational stories are great foundations on which you can build your book – and who knows, you might really get the writing bug and it may end up being the first of many.
Books can make you stand out from the crowd
Handing over your professional hardback book at that business meeting, giving them out at networking events or even at relevant outlets, can cause a huge and lasting impression. It also comes with the added bonus of gaining the respect of those you’re giving copies to. As an author it shows you’re serious about your business, that you have a passion for it and you’ve taken the time and trouble to create something lasting. It shows that you’re an entrepreneur and can help to pave the way to growing your reputation – and your business. You make be looking for marketing materials for your business.
If so, you may want something other than a brochure or a folder with various sheets of information in – although there’s absolutely nothing wrong with those options – then you could really go to town and produce it in book form. Here you can not only provide all the details about your company, the services and products, but you can also inspire your potential clients with your personal history and commitment. Throw in some case studies highlighting your expertise and your successes and you have an invaluable sales and marketing asset.
Use your expertise to grow your clientele - and experience
Writing a book can also bring about unexpected bonuses, which you may not have previously realised were possible. If you can offer good sound advice based on experience and show proven results, it doesn’t just mean that there’s a market for your words of wisdom – you may also find yourself in demand as a consultant. Your book doesn’t just publicise your business, it publicises you and that could quite feasibly bring opportunities in its wake.
How to write a business book
Writing a book may seem like a daunting prospect and if that is the case, plan it like a military operation. Before you start to put pen to paper – or finger to keyboard – you do need to formulate a plan. Think about the USPs of your particular story – what you don’t want to do is replicate what’s already out there. Personalise the story and make it relatable but at the same time include evidence whenever possible to substantiate any claims you’re making.
Of course, your book doesn’t have to be a story at all – it can just be a more stylish and impressive way to promote your company or organisation. Break it down into sections and come up with a plan so it flows – concentrating on one chapter at a time is far less intimidating than sitting down and writing hundreds of thousands of words. Start to consider it as essential to your business as any other marketing activity and you will end up with a lasting resource which can benefit you for years to come. At WTTB, we have all the advice you can need to get started on writing or publishing a book.
Posted on February 9, 2022 by WTTB
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